Arts Illustrated

April 22, 2020

Chippa Sudhakar
Sub-cover artist, Arts Illustrated
Untitled, 72" x 48", Acrylic on plywood, 2017.
‘Cities are constantly drawing and redrawing their cartography. The expansion has been leading to the occupation of the forest, agricultural and green glands. We are building new projects and dams for our needs and purposes, but we do not pay much attention to how the wildlife gets affected by this. I have tried to reflect upon these issues in the present work where the textured area in the paintings, featuring a combination of straight and geometric lines, appears like a digital map.’


Chippa Sudhakar, the recipient of multiple fellowships and grants awarded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, began his artistic career in the late 1980s with a diploma in Fine Arts from JNT University, Hyderabad; and a post diploma in Printmaking from M S University, Baroda. He worked as a lecturer in the department of Printmaking in JNT for close to 13 years. He is the winner of the 2002 Bendre Hussain Award (Sculpture) presented by the Mumbai Art Society, and won the National Award (Senior Category) at the 28th National Exhibition of Contemporary Art, South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur.


Primarily rooted within a shared human experience – a consequence of a rapidly evolving world – Chippa Sudhakar’s works explore the complex and intricate nuances of human interactions with nature. Using motifs and symbols, and a simultaneously vivid and muted palette, he presents unique narratives on the contemporary reality that serve as a bridge between his rustic background and his globally informed artistic language.

Why do you do art?

I do art because my surroundings are constantly influencing me. It is a statement of my thought, of my growing maturity. It could be my thoughts on the personal or on the social problems afflicting society.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

I would like to see myself take my art works globally. I would like to be part of museums or auction houses, and travel all parts of the world.

 If you could meet your artistic hero/inspiration, who would that be?

In the beginning, at my graduation level when I studied art history, I liked Vincent van Gogh. He inspired me in spite of his struggles; and Pablo Picasso for his experiments.

How would you best describe your studio/workspace?

I like rural environments, being with nature. My studio is placed amongst trees, with various bird sounds, my pet Rottweiler, hens and FM music.

How would you want to be remembered?

As a contemporary Indian artist within the art world.


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